Shop of adjustment of heatmechanic equipment of JSC «Belenergoremnaladka» provides:
- Commissioning work, test and adjustment of main and auxiliary heat engineering equipment at power plants, chemical water treatment equipment, I&C, heat networks and heating-water converter plants;
- Vibration testing of turbine and auxiliary equipment;
- Elaboration of projects for upgrading steam and got-water boilers, including I&C, replacement of steam pipelines, and retrofitting of pressure vessels;
- Development of PC software for calculation of engineering and economic figures for power and boiler plants, and optimal distribution of load between turbogenerator sets;
- Operational diagrams and instructions on operation of power plant equipment;
- Optimization of water chemistry conditions at power plants;
- Rating of heat engineering equipment at power plants;
- Ecological certificates of enterprises;
- Energy audit for power plants, reactors and heat networks.
Shop of adjustment of heatmechanic equipment of JSC «Belenergoremnaladka» includes:
Provides: physical and chemical analysis of water, oils, ion exchange substances, fuel, and deposit on surfaces of heat engineering equipment.
- Laboratory of enviromental protection
Provides: ecological rationing of emissions and discharges of hazardous substances, calculates Maximum Permissible Discharge (MPD) rates of hazardous substances emitted in the air, and ecological rationing of enterprise’s waste.
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