
Open Joint Stock Company «Belenergoremnaladka» is a mixed-property company with 67.7% of shares owned by private persons and legal entities, 32.4% owned by the state. Our main production base is located in Minsk. We have 14 branches in various regions of the Republic of Belarus. The Company employs over 1600 workers and engineers. The Company owns up-to-date production base with over 50 000 m2 of manufacturing facilities, laboratories, warehouses and auxiliary premises.

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The company has all authorization documents allowing to perform production operations in Belarus and Russian Federation. The Company is a member of «Soyuzatomstroi» self-regulating organization, RF. We are authorized to perform manufacturing, installation and adjustment of pressure equipment and steel structures in accordance with Customs Union regulations. Besides we are the holders of all necessary certificates and licenses enabling us to act in capacity of ЕРС Contractor in the Republic of Belarus. Our test laboratories have been certified in compliance with with Technical Regulations of the Customs Union.

The Company employs quality management systems meeting the requirements of ISO 9001:2015OHSAS 18001:2007 and СТБ ISO 9001:2015.

Having high-qualification personnel having decades of experience associated with power industry facilities in Belarus and abroad and up-to-date technical production base JSC «Belenergoremnaladka» is always ready to propose the one-of-a-kind technical solutions regarding repair, performance adjustment and commissioning of power facilities.

Main activities:

  • Installation, repair and modernization of all types of turbines and auxiliary equipment.
  • Structural design, installation, repair, modernization and rehabilitation of all types of boilers and auxiliary equipment.
  • Execution of construction-and-installation works.
  • Installation and repair of generators, transformers, electric motors, circuit breakers and auxiliary equipment installed at power generating plants, heat supply networks, substations and industrial enterprises.
  • execution of comprehensive commissioning, performance adjustment and diagnostic works on mechanical and electrical equipment installed at power generating plants, substations, boiler plants, pump stations etc.
  • Manufacturing of mechanical and electrical products, spare parts and assembly units and all types of steel structures.
  • Diagnostics and testing of electrical equipment, NDT examination of metal parts and welds, determination of remaining life time.
  • Development of advanced technical solutions enabling the users to enhance economic efficiency and reliability of power equipment performance.
  • Training and certification of welders.